Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's the Mister DeVizzaPizza Fake Pizza Place Name Contest!!!

Hey pizza friends!  I hope you're hungry, 'cause your good friend Mr. DP is serving up another fresh delicious pie...  

Today, I'm proud and excited to announce the first ever Mister DeVizzaPizza Fake Pizza Place Name Contest!  You see, I recently received a very special gift from a couple of good pizza pals, Rick and Rory.  It seems the guys had spent some time coming up with fake pizza place names.  And that sounds innocent enough, I'm sure.  But where most folks would come up with only a handful of half-funny ideas before moving on to some other pursuit, these good 'za brahs pulled together a 5 page dissertation - almost 300 hilarious, heart-warming, inspiring pizza names!  It's a tour de force.  Rick and Rory, extra slices for you!

So here's how this will work:  Over in the Polls section of this pizza blog, to your right, I'll be posting 4 names every day (ok, probably not EVERY day...but, you know, like, pretty often...).  Then it's up to you, my dear pizza friends, to vote for your favorite.  The winners will be compiled, and then a kind of fake pizza place name playoff season will begin.  Think of it like the NCAA Championship Tournament, only super dumb and pointless and about pizza.  It's Starch Madness!  Anyway, eventually, we'll have a winner - a single fake pizza place concept that you, the 5-10 readers of Mister DeVizzaPizza, will have chosen as your own.  Maybe we'll come up with an awesome fake pizza place graphic to match our winning fake pizza place name and make t-shirts!  Maybe we'll actually open a pizza place.  Maybe I'll delete this blog and let Kyle go back to making fun of me in person. Only time will tell, pizza friends.  So GET VOTING!!!!!

Oh, also...please, if you've got great fake pizza place names of your own, send them in.  I'll add them to the contest.  Maybe you can beat Rick and Rory!  Pizza's on them!

1 comment:

David John said...

Emerson, Lake and Parmesan